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Dating Courtship

With your Russian woman - just as with western - courtship and respect are things that will mean the world to her, especially if she is confused and overwhelmed by a new life and a new country. You want to make a few special efforts to ensure that she is happy and content in your love and your concern for her. Flowers are actually expected in the initial stages of courtship, so don’t show up empty-handed in the beginning.

After the initial courtship of letters and visits, you might find that you desire something more permanent, like marriage. In this case, it is custom in Russia to ask the parents for their daughter’s hand. This is especially important if the women still lives with her parents. Even if she does not want you to ask, it is best to observe this custom.

Once you are married, the courtship does not stop. You want to continue to show affection for her and her femininity. Feeling beautiful is a universal way to make her feel comfortable. Take her out for new clothes or make-up. This will show that you want her to feel as pretty as you already think she is.

You can extend your arm for her to hold as you walk in different places. Holding hands isn’t something that is customary for Russian women in courtship, so this will show that you understand what she expects and that you’ll be there for her to hold onto nonetheless.

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Dating Tip Number 1003

Russian Women Dating Tips Question: Russia is a dangerous place with lots of poor people.
True, False

Answer: Absolutely untrue. Moscow, for instance, is one of the most expensive cities in the World. With oil prices this high, Russia is positioned to be a very wealthy nation.

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