The Debate of Sending Money and Gifts
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The Debate of Sending Money and Gifts

Sending money and gifts seems to be a great way to show that you care about your relationship, but since you may not have met the woman yet, you may also be falling victim to a scam. How do you determine the answer to the question of sending money and gifts?

Let’s start off by saying that not all international dating relationships are based on scamming you. And sending money and gifts might be something that is honest and goes to the woman that you are interested in. Of course, you may want to wait until later in the relationship to do so, and try to get to know each other first.

If you are concerned about scams, then let’s talk about sending money and gifts. Many scams begin with a ‘woman’ initiating conversations with you, talking about love and marriage and sex very early on. The woman may also have professional photographs or talk about her financial woes without any solicitation from you for that information. These are warning signs that you may be the target of a scam.

Another thing to consider when sending money and gifts is whether or not your woman friend is seeing more than one person. That can be an indication of a scam. If she is listed on more than one dating service, you may want to hold off on financial offerings.

Sending money and gifts may be well-intentioned out of a genuine concern for your relationship, but it may be better to wait. Try not to talk about your financial situation and let your intuition tell you if you are being duped.

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Dating Tip Number 1006

Russian Women Dating Tips Question: I don't know russian at all. Will I be able to meet a nice russian lady?

Answer: Yes, but...there are lots of translation services available, and English is commonly taught in russian schools, so you should be able to communicate. But don't you want to speak to your potential wife directly? Get yourself a dictionary and start learning!

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