Writing a Letter to Russia
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Writing a Letter to Russia

When writing a letter to Russia, you want to make a good impression for sure, but making sure that it gets there is vital as well. Here are some ideas and facts about sending letters to Russia.

How you can get that special letter to Russia

After you’re finished writing a letter to Russia, what do you do then? If you’ve never mailed an international letter, this can be tricky. First things first, do you have the right address? You may want to check again with the agency. Of course, they may also be able to assist you with how to mail it to them as well.

If not, then after you’re through writing a letter to Russia, this is what you need to do. First of all, check with the post office to see what kind of postage you need. If you plan on sending more letters, then you may want to purchase enough for the future as well. The address as well as return address will be in the same positions as they are for American mail.

You will want to send your letter by air mail or registered mail to ensure that it will arrive. You can ask the post office for advice on this. Although this adds to the cost of writing a letter to Russia, it will help to make sure that you can communicate consistently. You may also want to include a postage paid self-addressed envelope for her to return a letter to you.

When writing a letter to Russia, understand that it may be lost—it does happen. If you haven’t heard from her in a while, then it may have been lost. Continue to send letters regularly, but if you do not receive a reply after a while, then she may be not responding on purpose.

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